Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hey, what takes longer to be sorted out by braces, bucked over teeth or gappy teeth and why?

Each case is different and depends on age, severity of

the problem, and patient compliance. That's why you

go visit an orthodontist, they tell you this stuff.

Hey, what takes longer to be sorted out by braces, bucked over teeth or gappy teeth and why?
This is not a question that can be answered here, an orthodontist needs to evaluate each patient to determine type and length of treatment so that all the variables can be factored in to that.

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Hey, what takes longer to be sorted out by braces, bucked over teeth or gappy teeth and why?

I would think buck teeth. Because gappy teeth are in the right spot, they just need to be pushed together. I'm no orthodontist though.

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Hey, what takes longer to be sorted out by braces, bucked over teeth or gappy teeth and why?

bucked over teeth would be the longest because it is a worse cindition. gappy teeth are actually easiest.

Hey, what takes longer to be sorted out by braces, bucked over teeth or gappy teeth and why?
I would guess bucked teeth.

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Hey, what takes longer to be sorted out by braces, bucked over teeth or gappy teeth and why?

It takes longer to remedy a crowded mouth due to the fact you either need to have extractions done, or palatal expanders need to be worn to stretch out the palate. A lot of gaps can easily be fixed with braces. You have to be diligent about wearing your retainers afterwards though, or everything will go right back to where they started.

Hey, what takes longer to be sorted out by braces, bucked over teeth or gappy teeth and why?
my teeth are all overcrowded, and crossing over eachother! I hate them. I've been on the waiting list for 2 years now and hope 2 get my braces soon, plus before that i had to get extractions done! My brother has (had) gappy teeth and has had his braces on - this has taken 1 year!


My daughter's teeth is extremly yellow, bucked, and has a large hole behind..how?

my daughter is 14 yrs old..sometimes when she eats, one of her upper behind teeth will crack (something like into small pieces). Now, a large hole can be seen. It seems like the tooth is lost but there's still a bit at the side of the tooth. From the hole i can see her permanent tooth...What should i do? she will never visit a dentist for check-ups. She has two extremely bucked, yellow front teeth. The stain would not come out no matter how hard she brushed it. What should i do?

My daughter's teeth is extremly yellow, bucked, and has a large hole behind..how?
Why on earth haven't you taken this child to a dentist? She needs immediate dental treatment. You have been a neglectful parent.
Reply:Needs to have the decay removed completely and a crown put on. The yellow needs to be bleached with something like whitestrips. 14 is too young to throw your smile away forever, get her to a dentist.
Reply:to save her teeth, she will have to go to a dentist. if she has fear of a dentist, call around and there are many dentists who are very understanding with fearful patients and will work with them in many ways. however, this is a question of your daughter's dental health that will affect her throughout her life, seeing the dentist should not be an 'option' for her...this is a choice you'll have to make for her whether she likes it or not...trust me she'll thank you when she's 25 and still has all her pearly whites...ps...the dentist can make whitening and orthodontic recommendations as well..it's up to you...she may be mad for a while but it's worth it for her smile...
Reply:You must get your child to a dentist,,,,Good Luck
Reply:be the MOTHER and take your child to the dentist. Quit being so concerned of not being liked and step up!
Reply:i had the same problem, my teeth were yellow and my gums were dark and would bleed everytime i brush. i just brushed for like almost a year and went for check ups. no matter how much she protests just take her to the dentist..if that doesnt work then strap her to a chair and have a dentest come to your house..if all fails then grind her teeth with sand paper and brush with a wire brush.
Reply:get your child to the dentist, why have you waited so long?
Reply:You do what any good parent would do and make her go to the dentist...she's a CHILD, and you are the parent. She shouldn't be allowed to make the final decision on whether or not she can go to checkups. Since you've allowed her to make that decision, look what's happened to her teeth! It sounds like she needs teeth pulled, some braces to fix the bucked teeth and some tooth whitener...try Crest Whitestrips.
Reply:Wow you really should make her go see a dentist. The hole that you see in that tooth could result in damage to the permanent tooth underneath it. It probably became decayed and broke when she bit into something. Decay spreads. If there are pieces of that tooth still in her gums it will cause problems later. After she has all of problems taken care of, she can be fitted with a bleaching tray. You just put a small amount of gel into the tray and wear it for the recemmended amount of time. That will reslove the yellow. Also, remember that you can brush to hard and too often. This will cause the enamel on your teeth to wear away. She will need braces to correct her front teeth. It is a long process but she will in turn feel better about herself.

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Back in the early 70s Friend had a novelty picture of a woman with a long neck and buck toothed. where can ?

I know it was a nopvelty picture,He told me it was his wife and i was not to laugh when he showed me. I've seen it one other time at a gas station.

Back in the early 70s Friend had a novelty picture of a woman with a long neck and buck toothed. where can ?
were can you what?, get one???....%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

go to eBAY or amizon, or wal-mart i guess

=D, signed,

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Was it skillful Marketing or Branding that enabled the GOP Corp. to get buck-toothed hillbillies to join up???

It really is Marketing Genius.

Was it skillful Marketing or Branding that enabled the GOP Corp. to get buck-toothed hillbillies to join up???
Can we brand bucktoothed hillbillies now, this will be a great thanks giving after all.
Reply:Skillful marketing- It's the same firm that the Dems use to get the illegal aliens,career welfare folks and perverts to join their team.
Reply:How can illegal aliens and convicted felons vote? Come on that's just lying now.
Reply:I guess even "buck-toothed hillbillies" as you so eloquently described it has the fortitude to know when liberals are selling their country down the toilet. Where does that leave the "highly educated" liberals?
Reply:I'm not familiar with GOP corp. and what did you sign up for exactly???
Reply:The hillbilly mafia is alive and well.
Reply:"buck-toothed hillbillies"

Now you're confusing the GOP with Bill Clinton.

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