My buck teeth are crooked. One tooth is going under the other tooth. Does it make me unattractive? My parents told me it was worse when I was little. My mother said it should straighten on it's own in three years, which I don't think so.
I don't want ugly braces. I don't want my teeth removed. I don't have dental insurance.
Does crooked teeth make me unattractive?
You should move from Britain.
Reply:I find bad grammar unattractive. Does???? You mean "Do crooked......?"
Reply:yes. bad teeth are horribly unattractive.
Reply:Braces are the only way to go. Crooked buck teeth aren't attractive.
Reply:Depends on how the rest of your body looks. It may be unattractive but if you are beautiful everwhere else, it's like marilyn monroe's "beauty mark".
Reply:Ugly teeth are unattractive. You should get braces to fix them because it will get alot worst when you are older
Reply:awful grammar and bad're doomed.
Reply:YES!! Ugly teeth make an ugly face. Cough up the money for some nice teeth. you will never regret it.
Reply:In japan crooked teeth is attractive, some people who have crooked teeth give them character..
Reply:It all depends. If you had an image I would know. I have dated some people with crooked teeth but they have nice smiles. As long as your teeth are clean, and you don't have two rows of teeth then you're fine.
Reply:no, it adds personality because almost anybody can try to change themselves to be perfect, but to work what you got and be good at it takes confidence.
Reply:braces look really hot on some people but bad teeth doesn't , i would go with the braces and after a couple years you won't regret it.
Reply:Braces might be the only way to really correct it hun. Not all braces are ugly, you can get the clear ones (invisalign), but you need to talk with a dentist and ask about it. If it is really bothering you, and seriously affecting you self confidence, you should really talk to a professional
Reply:They won't straighten out on their own. If they look like the hillbilly teeth people buy at Halloween, then they definitely detract from your appearance. A retainer might help straighten them out and they are not as expensive as braces. You'll need to check with an orthodontist to see if this is a possibility.
Reply:While crooked teeth aren't necessarily the be-all-end-all of your looks, it does make a difference. Some people may not mind, but smiles really matter to me, and if you can have it fixed, do it. You will never regret it.
And if you don't want ugly braces, ask your dentist about invisiline.
Reply:I sure hope you aren't asking me. I look like a worn down dray horse, but know what? I still have friends, both male and female, so maybe looks aren't the whole picture, unless of course you are an early teenager,
Vaya con DIOS
Reply:No it doesnt make you unattractive. Teeth are bone and wont straightern out on their own and you may need treatment/braces. if your teeth really bother you, you will get them sorted out otherwise you wont. Braces arent ugly, some people will think highly of you for trying to sort out your teeth and have the courage to have a brace. in the short term you may feel self conscious of wearing a brace like i did but in the long term you will look at your lovely smile and be thankful that you had it.
The bottom line is if you have confidence in yourself and in your appearance others will find you attractive what ever you decide to do.
Reply:Dude. You're SOL. Get a ballpeen hammer and a case of Orajel and go to work b/c those b@stards aren't going to straighten themselves.
Reply:Some people might think that, but I think that there's a huge list of attractive qualities about men and I'm sure you possess plenty of them. I wouldn't worry about the teeth, but I know that we are all our own best critic. Besides, people that have "teeth" hang ups are usually pretty shallow and shallow usually results ultimately in a boring, empty relationship. I'm a very attractive woman (with nice teeth) and my ex had teeth that sound just like yours. It never bothered me until one night that a friend of mine made a comment...his teeth still never bothered me after that...but I discarded that "friend" after that. Seriously, I think this bothers you more than anybody. When you meet the right person, you'll love them all the more because they won't love you for your teeth, but for all the other great qualities you have!
Reply:You have to know that being attractive is not depending on you teeth only.on the other hand it may be a very negligeble factor in assessment of attractiveness and feeling it by the other partner.Your general healthy body formation and your personnel hygeine and some features given from god,will make you easily a very attractive human being.........................Dr sherif lanson khalil of Egypt
Reply:Teeth are teeth. Braces may help your problem though. They are not really that ugly. Years ago they were. Now, so many people are wearing them, even me, and nobody really cares. Braces will also help dental problems in the furture. If you can get them, get them. So you might have some discomfort for a year or two. Just wait until you get them off and have a beautiful smile that made it all worth it.
Reply:No, having crooked teeth does not make you unnatractive at all.
Attractiveness is so much more than just a physical quality. We are all different, and each of us (while some may deny it..) have imperfections of some sort.
In my opinion, whether or not you have perfect teeth, or look like society says you should.. that has zero to do with your own individuality and beauty.
I honestly believe that each and every person is beautiful in their own way. I don't agree with the way the media and society has made it seem that if you don't look a certain way, then you are "unnatractive" or don't fit in. It's not a good message to be sending, and I absolutely disagree with it.
If you are unhappy with your teeth, there are options (more than just getting braces, or having your teeth removed). Have you seen those "Invisalign" (or however you spell it..) things they advertise on tv? I'm not sure how much they cost, but I would think that you could work something out, for payments. They're supposed to do the same thing for your teeth, as braces would.. just without the appearance of it. So, maybe it's something you should think about. Or also, if there is a Dentist school near where you live, go talk to them. I've always heard about how they will do things for free, as that's how they learn and everything. And of course, there are also free clinics. No matter which route you choose to go, there is definately a way for you to get it taken care of, if that is what you want to do. There are many people without insurance, and they are able to get help because of the organizations that are out there. So, just do some calling around, and see what you can find out.
I can understand wanting to do something about it, so that you feel better about yourself, if that's what you feel you should do. But please, don't give in and believe it when someone tells you that you are unnatractive. You can take care of the problem with your teeth, if you really want to. I just hope that you realize that who you are on the inside and how you feel about yourself, is so much more important than how others see you.
So, smile, hold your head high.. and be proud of who you are!
Reply:It does not go away. I got braces through my dad's job.
It is a average that you can pay a little at a time now.
Even in the malls. Braces are no longer ugly and the plastic is popular now days like a retainer you can pop on or off.
Affordable.... I got a few jobs because of my teeth, and smile.
Dates well in that department, I still was not so lucky.
Mom does not want you to feel bad and she means well.
My mouth had a lot of problems, Teeth lying down and inside the gums pushing my lower lip forward. It was painful for removal of crazy teeth and bone. The drugs were heavenly! Good Luck
It is AFFORDABLE I owe no one now.
Reply:sometimes it looks good on others and sometimes it doesnt...depends
Reply:Sometimes the little quirks in people make them attractive in their own unique way.
Reply:no.. i once heard people with crooked teeth have sweet smiles..
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