If so it is just their milk teeth or their adult teeth too
Do dummies really make children buck toothed?
That is what the Orthodontist told us as well. Apparently when you sleep your tongue pushes against your teeth and that can also cause it. My daughter was given a mouthpiece that she used when sleeping. She had a overlap so her bottom teeth rested against her top teeth and pushed them out that is why she wore a mouth-piece. I don't know about milk-teeth they fall out anyway so i don't know if that applies to them. Maybe someone else can give you a good helpful answer.:)
Reply:well apparently it push the teeth forward that's why dummies where redesign i think but i think you child will grow out of that before any thing like that could happen for the love god i hope so
Reply:No - that's inbreeding.
Reply:Generally it's recommended that you remove all binkies before that can happen. Yes it can cause a change in how the "baby" teeth are aligned but unless it is a severe case of misalignment it should have no affect on the adult teeth. Thumb sucking has a much worse affect on teeth.
Reply:it can happy yes, but i used a dummy when i was younger and my mum had to hide it from me, but i don't have buck teeth, that's normally when you suck your thumb, because the dummy is soft
Reply:I don't believe it does. My children 'spat their dummies' so to speak and replaced it with their thumbs. They were constantly sucking them and if they had had dummies I could have given it to them at certain times. However, neither of them have prominent teeth, so I don't believe that either have any effect.
Reply:I have never heard that before, i don't believe so.
Reply:To me any child over the age of 2 SHOULD NOT be sucking a dummy, I have no problem with babies having dummies but when i see toddlers with dummies I cringe, on both my childrens 2nd birthdays they put all their dummies in a bag and were sending them to the sick babies in the hospital (obviously they weren't really) and they felt good knowing that they were helping wee babies!
Dummies in older children cause sppech impediments and they do mishape their teeth, my aunt is a dentist nurse and she gets so cross when mothers come in complaining about their children's teeth and when the dentist asks if they are still using a dummy he wants to strangle them for being so stupid and allowing children over 2 to have a dummy cos of the damage it can do
Reply:Dummies don't make a child buck toothed. Thumbs do. And if the teeth are growing in a pushed out way, the big teeth will follow that same pattern, because the baby teeth are paving the way for the big teeth. Which is why Orthodontists will wait until kids have their adult teeth before putting braces on kids teeth.
Reply:It didnt cause me to go buck toothed but it did give me a nasty over bite, which even braces havent been able to fix. My othorodontist said that when my baby is born (pregnant and i have braces i sound like a character dont I) to buy dummies that say that orthorodontic care and recommended ones. He also said to only give them at night.
I dont know if it is milk teeth or adult teeth but i got an overbite due to having a dummy when i was a baby (the othorodontist told me that the dummy was the cause as i had it until i was 4, my mum couldnt get me of them lol).
Reply:I have not known for this to happen with the children I know, but dummies have been proven to slow speech development if the child has the dummy in their mouth constantly x
Reply:I had a dummy till i was 6 yr old and not the orthadontic ones like now, you know them with the big bubble thing on the end.
My teeth are fine infact my top teeth are very straight.
Reply:my daughter had a dummy and i did notice that her teeth where staring to push out a bit so at 3 we gave it to santa and here teeth have started to go back in now .i dont think they would of gone out to much more but its better safe than sorry . if there ment to be bucked tooted then it will happen its self and if not why worrie.
Reply:My daughter sucks her thumb and she is 3 years old. I asked her doctor about it and he said as long as she's quit doing it by 5 her teeth will be fine. Obviously I hope to have her off the thumb before then, but it's reassuring to know I've got some time to work it out.
Reply:The problem I have found with dummies are not with the teeth but with speech...those children who have dummies past 2 and haf tend to have difficulties with tongue and cheek movements...I think its because if they talk or make sounds with the dummy in their mouth thier lips, tongues and cheeks get used to certain movements that mean when the dummy is outthe words dont form as they should.
But I have nothing against dummies used at night or comfort.
This site has an article about dummies!
Reply:Only if they drop using the dummy before their adult teeth set in...
Thumb sucking is the biggest problem..cos it's always there, you cannot take it away, and no matter how old a child is..they can still suck it discreetly.
My first child wanted to suck her thumb but I gave her a dummy instead...it became a nightmare..cried when it was lost, cried when it fell out..so second child was allowed to suck thumb..life was blissfull..but now we have dental problems to resolve..
I regret choosing an easy life over the health of My daughters teeth..but I really did not know what i was doing.
Now I do...no thumb sucker ever!!!!
acne scar
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