Sunday, October 11, 2009

How much would it cost to go to the doctor's and take a x-ray to see if my bones are fused?

i want to take a x- ray to noe if i have anymore to grow. but i also went to take an x-ray for my teeth so i can get braces. the xray for my teeth were so expensive! like 130 bucks! would the x-ray for my bones in my body cost that much too? and please tell the average price. thanks!

How much would it cost to go to the doctor's and take a x-ray to see if my bones are fused?
X-rays are expensive to have done because of the x-rays themselves as well as the study of them by the radiologist. X-rays aren't usually done just to see if you are going to grow anymore. Certain bones in your body are getting longer and larger as you get older, until you are done growing (usually during puberty or after). I'm guessing you're a young person wanting to know how tall you will be but it's safer just to wait it out. X-rays are not the answer to determine how tall you will be. They are an important tool in looking inside the body to see possible health problems but can be used in an uneffective way.

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