Friday, October 23, 2009

Why is this boy being a jerk to me?

Okay so my friend tried hooking me up with her ex boyfriend. So she did and we got together and had a fake relationship for 3 days. What I mean by fake is that he was dared to go out with the ugliest girl ever by his friends and got paid 40 bucks to do it. He said the ugliest girl he has ever seen was me. It hurt so bad to know the truth. I cried myself to sleep. Then somehow he found out who I liked from my school and told him I liked him and he was like eww omfg who would ever want to go out with her she is so ugly. Truth is.....lots of boys call me ugly and it is sort of making me lose my confidence around others especially boys. Then he paid his friend to go record me using the restroom. I didn't even know he was recording me omg! And then he got this picture of me and drew all of these things like a mustache, something with my teeth, and made me look hideous and posted it around his school and everyone at his school said I was ugly:( I am in serious pain.

Why is this boy being a jerk to me?
Omg, there are so many things I want to say and I don't know where to begin.

First, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. No matter how ugly and unattractive you are, there is always someone out there who think you are most beautiful and attractive girl in the world. A person that will love you and will forever be with you. I have seen it happen many times. Ugly guys dating really hot chicks and vice versa. I even had a few instances where I considered a girl cute and my friends thought she was the fattest, ugliest girl in history. Don't get upset. There is someone out there for you. Take my word for it.

Second, why haven't you reported this to your teachers or the authorities? File a charge and get him in serious trouble for harassment. Seriously, why are you taking this abuse if you don't like it? Its almost like you want him to pick on you. You can get revenge on him for you and your friend. Most likely your friend suffered the same abuse, that's why she left him.

On another note, where the **** is your friend in all this. If she is your friend, why the **** is she letting this happen to you.

I would continue my rant but apparently I popped a blood vessel after seeing your post. I will get back to you later. By the way, how old are you and how old is he? From what I read, it seems like he is just some stupid immature high school kid.
Reply:your friend is so wrong.
Reply:Wow. this guy sounds like a total jerk. he is being a jerk because people are cruel, especially young guys. you didnt deserve that and should never let someone treat you that way. as far as his friend recording you using the bathroom - that is a crime and you might want to report them..if they do it to you they will do it to someone else.


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