in my area, there is a lot of race mixing, and its 95% black men with white women. Some individuals i have spoken with, say they are only attracted to black men for very superficial reasons that border on the racist i.e. they are sexier, better bodies, nice teeth(WTF are they horses?), they have better sex, bigger phalluses, or wants mixed babies. i have never heard someone say he's black but thats who i happened to fall in love with, he is a wonderful man. As an african american woman who is very comfortable with herself and prefers black men, i am also very aware of my history. this trend smacks of the "mandingo" syndrome, a white woman having a steamy affair with a big black buck, not for his mind, but because its forbidden and purely physical and mind you very racist. so i need to hear from white women, why do you date a black man exculsively?
Why do some white women exclusively say they date black men?
Ayanna, why don't you come find me. I'd love to put any girl in her place for saying she'd beat the **** out of anyone for a racist reason. I'd like to see you try. I've had non whites try to fight me simply for my being white. Lol. That's a STUPID reason to fight anyone, and the last girl that did that got her faced slammed into the ground. There is NO reason to attack anyone for something like that.
I'm a "European American" woman and I am engaged to an Asian American man. I'm interested in his culture and I love him for all that he is, including how he looks as well as the person he is all together. I do not see him as unequal. But I'm attracted to individuals regardless of their race. I don't exclusively date people from one race, and I don't prefer my own, nor reject them. Race isn't an issue for me.
My twin sister dates an African American man, and loves him for who he is AND because she finds him attractive. Neither of us go boasting about dating outside of our race for the sake of a social statement.
But can you imagine how much it would suck to be a white woman where everyone takes you to be a rich spoiled, ditzy bimbo easy slut like half of the media views our women?
-Brittany Spears.
-Paris Hilton
-Lindsey Lohan
(et cetera).
On the Tyra show she did a study of men and how race effected them dating some one. Out for four types of women, the men said they would only be with the white woman because she would be easier to get in bed and they look good for a night of fun.
How do you think it would feel for a white woman to hear the only reason a guy outside of her race is with her is because he thinks she's easy? On that show, even the white man said he didn't want a white women because the media brainwashed even him to believe they were all money hording bimbo sluts. Be glad that that's not what people are likely to think of you first hand.
I on the other hand hear it all the time and have also been called a Nazi, and assumed to be wealthy, even though I grew up poor. All people get stereotyped and are hurt by it.
Reply:I don't know what year you think it is but that is not how it is at all unless you live in the deep south and they specifically say those things. To me it sounds like you are choosing to see that is why they are dating black men. Its called preference, I date white guys not because of their white skin or pink lips or because it is "forbidden" fruit, because I am attracted to them, always have its 2007 not 1855?
Reply:i'd beat da sh*T out of any white b****!!!
Reply:I have a white friend who won't date white guys because she "finds them annoying" though she is physically attracted to members of all races. What she finds annoying about white men, I don't know but they seem to irritate her. But dating a race exclusively seems strange to me, it tells me that people are judging more on stereotypes or physical looks. I prefer my own race of men, but that doesn't mean I write off everyone else as unacceptable. People need to broaden their horizons and stop all this dating based on race crap. it's the 21st century.
Reply:isnt the style?
Reply:Because some are just stupid. Anybody that says they only exclusively are dating a certain race is using that race for their BODY. They can't possibly be doing it for personality, because if they were they wouldn't mind what color the guy was. And what do they mean they're all attractive? Some black guys are ugly just like every other race! And better sex? Those girls are freakin s1uts if they date only because of some sex. They are disgusting and any man that doesn't have a girl like that should be very thankful.
Reply:Ignorant. It they only had enough sense to realize how ignorant they sound. When one denounces their own race to say they only date exclusively within another race it makes me crazy... Ignorance is bliss. Personally, I date men of all cultures, races, ethnic backgrounds. It simply depends on the man.... And just FYI the phallus's thing is false it truly depends on the man... Another stereotype... There are black men with small ones and white men with large ones... God bless****
Reply:In DC /VA i is like that and there is alot of people that mix..I think thats what they feel comfortable with....
I ask people when they get upset do you want THAT person...This you think you personality would work..Think about that and dont look at race...You will find many people say nah I dont care because I wouldnt want that person or it wouldnt work anyway.
People are discovering there personalities fit with certain cultures like Russian guys are considered strong and many Russian guys I know like Black women...I can understand that look at Al Pachino (Itallian) he has a black son and always dated black women I think thats fine. some people just dont fit with people of their own race because of their personality differs than their culture or they just like what they like...Worrying about it will make you go crazy .
You cant make people do what you want them to do human nature dictates what they want to do. I say let the chips fall where they may.
I don't understand why people care this has been going on in the Caribbean for centuries and places like Brazil and the women there are some of the most beautiful in the world.
Reply:Well for some they could just be attracted to black men and that is their preference, just like Im a black woman and Im attracted to white men...... I date white men exclusively too, not because of some silly reasons listed here, but because I chose to date who Im attracted to.
Reply:It's questions like this that make me want to scream, mind your own bussiness. Ok, SOME white women who date black men only do so for the stereotypes. But that is a give and take relationship. Those women who usually do that usually end up with black men who are with them for the same reasons. If that makes them happy why should anyone else care?
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