Sunday, October 11, 2009

Class would you react or has this happened to you?

I find myself with an invitation to my 20th year highschool reunion. I am debating on if I should attend or not. When I was in school, I was treated with cruelty. I came from a poor family and placed in foster care. In a small town where everyone knows your parents and their behavior, Kids can be very cruel......20yrs have past and I have accomplished many things in my life in regards to my education with a masters degree in nursing and some published material, I am no longer bucked feel I have worked very hard to rise above the expectations that my parents had for me and I have paid my own way. I am not bragging but part of me wants to return to say "look at me now" and the other part says " screw it, just con't to let them think what they want".

Have you experienced this? If so how did you respond? How would you respond?

Class would you react or has this happened to you?
Why do you want to go? If you want accolades, there are better people to entertain elsewhere. If you want some sort of retribution, how does that make you different from the ones that were so cruel?

Think about the word 'reunion'. Do you want to re-unite with the ones that did not make fun of you, but befriended you instead?

As the others have already said, "What do you have to prove to any of them?" Go, only if you have reasons to continue the improvements you have worked so hard to achieve. Network with people you may not have noticed in high school. Give them an opportunity to grow, maybe even reconcile. Don't expect anything from them, but give them a sight of the good life.
Reply:I haven't experienced it but you are right - kids can be very mean and unfortunately, those scars last a lifetime when you are on the receiving end of the cruelty. I will give you my opinion though (since you asked :) ) GO to the reunion and the reason I'm saying this is because although things are good for you NOW -- you obviously remember the bad stuff and this could be good therapy for you to go and say nah nah nah ---

This is the reason we need to make sure our kids aren't bullying others or calling people names. It may sound silly but it truly hurts through life.
Reply:Your the reason they have Reunions. To show off how you've changed. If no one ever changed since high school it would be a boring reuinion. Go and be proud of yourself! Good luck and have fun!
Reply:I'd stay home. The only good thing about reunions is catching up with people you don't get to see on a regular basis. If there isn't anyone there with whom you'd like to catch up, then don't go. If there is one person you'd like to see again - then go, and relish rubbing in your success to all the others.
Reply:All I can say is, that by now you should have matured enough that your own opinion is what is important to you, not what they think, so suit yourself, if you want to go and see how everyone else grew up then go,, if not, then leave it off.
Reply:Go! You'll be surprised at what those people look like now that used to taunt you. You'll be like....OMG! What in the hell happened to you??? And be thinking to yourself...Wholly ****! They did not age gracefully.
Reply:I had been through the same thing. I say go and show and tell everyone how much better you are doing. You will also be surprised to hear and see how many people who thought they were so special back then have very unsatisfying lives now. You have a right to brag! Congratulations on turning your life around and I am glad that things are better for you!
Reply:I too am reaching my 20 year reunion.

I have no desire to go to mine. I still see all the people I was friends with so it isn't a big deal to me.

If there are people that you would like to see then you should go to your reunion and have a good time.

IF you are going just to say "look at me now" you may realize that people still don't care.
Reply:I would walk in with my head held high and smile and acknowledge the people you remember. I'm sure the other people have changed alot in 20 years. Possibly, to realize how shallow they were. You have nothing to prove to anyone! The only person you have to prove anything to is yourself...and obviously you've already done that. GO, have a good time and have no hard feelings to the once cruel classmates. I'm sure you will be very surprised how much different things will be. You still might have that one person who's not grown up, but that just goes to prove how much your life has improved. GO KNOCK 'EM DEAD!!!!!
Reply:Quite a dilemma. I haven't seen any of my old school friends since I left school, and I'm not bothered about it either. I consider myself to be quite successful, live in a different country, always have money in my pocket etc. However if I was invited to a reunion, I think I would go out of curiosity more than anything so that I could see who has achieved what. I think you will be surprised, it is probably the people that bullied you who have done nothing with their lives. But don't forget 20 years is a long time, and a lot will have changed including the people.

Go for it, and good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:I think High School reunions are over rated. I think your accomplishments are awesome!!! Do you really need to give these people who were cruel to you any amount of your time? I personally wouldn't go. That being said I am a "bridge burner" Good luck in your decision.
Reply:Go dazzle them Sweetheart! Show them that little old bucktoothed girl from a poor family.............AIN'T THAT WAY NO MORE! Show'em what you got, and how wrong they were about you! Make'em eat their hearts out! You are beautiful, let them see JUST how beautiful you are! Good Luck, and have fun!
Reply:I never went to any of my class reunions. There's a reason why you haven't seen any of these people for twenty years: you didn't want to see them. Be happy with your success in life and be proud of what you've overcome to get there. You have nothing to prove to those who ignored you or abused you. Move on. Your life is better without them. Good Luck!
Reply:I would go to the reunion. I felt that way and discovered that the people who attended the reunion were not the rude ones. They have also matured, have their own problems, their own stories, kids, etc. I'd just go and check it out. It takes some courage, but just go for it. You might enjoy talking to people you never really associated with in school. Good luck.
Reply:I went to a 10-year reunion and discovered that the ones that used to treat you like crap still try to, and they were running it. Few of the good people showed up but they were nice. On the whole it was a pretty unpleasant time and I DID say screw it and never went back.

A good friend and I joked that at all future reunions we should pay models to go as us.

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