Sunday, October 11, 2009

I cannot buy take-out Chinese food because I always make fun of the employees. Can they do that?

I was told that they cannot choose to not sell me a product because its discrimination. I'm not going to sue them or anything but I like their food. The reason they are doing this is because when I go in there, I make fun of them. Everytime they talk to me, I make a bucked-tooth face and squint my eyes and say really fast "yaw yaw yaw yaw yaw". The last time, the manager told me he had it.

Now I really want to food and don't feel like dricing the extra 10 minutes to the other one. At the same time, I want to continue to make fun of them for my own amusement. How can I accomplish both?

I cannot buy take-out Chinese food because I always make fun of the employees. Can they do that?
You don't have right to be served at a restaurant. You only have a right not to be refused service on the grounds of race, age, gender, religion and so on. It's not discrimination if they are refusing to serve you on the grounds of good behavior - making fun of the employees is a very good reason for them to decline serve you. Sorry, but you deserve this one.

The only way you can possibly achieve both is to return to the restaurant, give the manager a grovelling apology and beg to be allowed back. Then if they do let you back (and they might not), you can continue to ridicule them in private, behind their back. I don't recommend that you do this because I don't condone racism but it's a possible solution.

I suspect, however, that this post is a wind up. C'mon - 'fess up!
Reply:In reality, they can refuse service to you if they want. Consider it payback for you acting like a jerk.
Reply:It is only discrimination if they refuse to sell to you based on your race, gender or age. If you are ignorant, as you admit to being, they have the right to bar you from their establishment. If a law is being broken it is by you because you are harassing the employees at the establishment. I would ban you also. Enjoy your extra 10 minute drive. If I was the owner of the establishment, I would call the place 10 min. away and get them to ban you also so you would have to drive even further.
Reply:Yes they can. It is not discrimination, you were being a jackhole. I'm not Chinese and I wouldn't serve you either.
Reply:They can legally refuse to serve you. It would be different if they chose to not serve a certain race, that would be illegal.
Reply:I'd pay good money to see someone do that.

I'm afraid I don't really believe you though. Sounds a bit tongue-in-cheek.
Reply:No soup for you!
Reply:I still serve you no choice I need a living.
Reply:Why don't you try not making fun of them. They are providing you with a service and you are disciminating against them by drawing on a stereotype. So I guess they are returning the favor.

I believe that any business can refuse service to an individual, at the owner's discretion. It's not discrimination unless it can be proven that the reason for the service refusal is because of reasons such as race, sex, sexual orientation and things of that nature. From the information you've provided it does not seem in this case that you are being discriminated against based on demographics, but maybe for poor judgement in respect for individuals.
Reply:I have bad news for you.

"Idiot" is not a protected minority class in this country.
Reply:lol i wonder how many shrimp fried loogeys you ate, snot wontons, kitchen floor eggrolls
Reply:Its all been said, but to reiterate you got what you deserve.
Reply:You're not being discriminated against - you're acting like an a$$, and they have a right to not put up with your idiotic behavior.

family nanny

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