Sunday, October 11, 2009

How do I break this bad habit ??

At first I thought it was really cute , my 4 month old son begin sucking his thumb!!! Now he can't live with out every min everyday he has it in his mouth. Is it 2 early to break him of this habit or should I let it go away on it's own. The only reason why I am concerned is because he will soon be teething and I don't want his teeth to be bucked , gapped or shaped funny . PLEASE HELP!!

How do I break this bad habit ??
put baby gloves on him maybe?? my son started up around that time too but we always said no and took it out of his mouth... and hes 6 months now hes fine. sure once in a while hell stick it in but it isnt habit.
Reply:when he starts teething he's gonna have his hand in his mouth anyway to help relieve his pain.....personally, i wouldn't care; let him be a baby.
Reply:He's still a baby its fine. When he gets older put something on his thumb. They make thumb sucking stuff that tastes so gross he won't do it.
Reply:well there is this fingernail polish that you can buy and it gives a bad taste in your mouth if u put your fingernail in it... it was made for people to stop biting or sucking .... think you can find it at sallys beauty supply
Reply:He'll have to keep it up until grade school for it to be a dental concern. Just relax and let him enjoy himself; the majority of babies give it up on their own without complaint or fuss when they're ready.
Reply:At four months old he is using it as a soothing mechanism and while habit forming it is helping him. He is not going to get bad teeth from it...they fall out. You can try a pacifier, they are better orthodontically speaking but that to can be a habit forming and then you will be getting up to put the pacifier in his mouth when he wakes up crying...just let him suck his thumb he will out grow it or use a pacifier.
Reply:try giving him a pacifier instead as that is easier to take away from a child than his own thumb! neither one of my kids sucked their thumb, however they did use a pacifier until they were 1 and then i just took it away!
Reply:your baby does this as a form of security, just as others use a blanket or a teddy bear. try substituting something else for his thumb. its not going to be easy it took my parents a long time to break my sister.
Reply:People are taking this thumb sucking thing too far. Only if your child is already at a disposition to have buck teeth (meaning he'll have it anyway, whether he sucks his thumb or not) will EXCESSIVE thumb sucking aggravate an existing condition, or if they suck on their thumbs until they're 4 or 5 years old.

A lot of us sucked our thumbs as babies, and liked cherry shaped pacifiers (before the orthodontic pacifiers became popular), and most of us don't have funny-shaped teeth. Unless he starts to suck his fingernail off, there's no need to be concerned.

Don't make a big deal of it, or take his thumb out of his mouth when you see him sucking it. Ignore it as you will ignore him if he's sucking on a pacifier or a toy. At four months they don't have bad habits yet. He only knows he likes sucking his thumb, it's not a habit it's a comfort.;a...
Reply:My third child did the same at his age...we did nothing because it was so cute to us...she soon grew out of it because when she got old enough we would give her teething biscuits and she totally stopped !!!! Maybe just wait and see he is only 4 months!! My opinion =)
Reply:i asked my health visitor about this last week and she said not to worry. it wont hurt his teeth as to do any damage to teeth children have to such their thumb excessively into young adulthood. so dont worry just keep his hands clean. my baby seems to attract every bit of fluff in my house straight to her hand then into her mouth lol.


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