Sunday, October 11, 2009

Why is it when people think west virginia the first thing that comes to mind is?

(a) inbreeding..(b) missing teeth...(c) uncle buck violating small farm animals

Why is it when people think west virginia the first thing that comes to mind is?
Because that's what they are famous for. Isn't that their state motto?

"West Virgina. Inbreeding. Missing teeth. Uncle Buck violating small farm animals." Kind of catchy.
Reply:Poverty and mountains
Reply:I think of Halloween because they pumpkin.
Reply:thats not what i think of. i think of farms and beatifull acres of land. that is just mee tho.
Reply:Bob Denver
Reply:I think of coal mines
Reply:Because of the narrow-minds that this world has created.
Reply:It isn't

I think of sex as had a girlfriend from there once
Reply:They have NOT ever been to W.Va.

Ever read a book?

and they actually believe those sterotypes?

W. va. motto : Mountaineers are always frees,

Montani semper liberi
Reply:People can think what they want to,you answered your question when you said people think but they dont know they repeat what they have heard from others Instead of meeting some of the most wonderfull people that have blessed me and I live In Conneticut.
Reply:I lived in West Virginia all my life, but live in Tennessee now. I really resent your comments. West Virginia is a beautiful state with great people. You have been watching too much TV...Wrong Turn? May I ask, have you ever been to WV?
Reply:Watched a movie called "Mothman Prophecies". Didnt portray your state in the nicest light.

A truck driver I am good friends with also used to drive threw the state...didnt say too many positive things either.

Reply:i dont know but i lived 5 minutes from the west virginia line. i was raised in a very beautiful place and we didnt live like that neither did alot of other people.i think they take old stories from long ago and magnify them and keep them going for years. it is a very pretty area and there are alot of good people there. they may be stuck in old remedies but that is because there were no doctors close by and they had to travel for miles to find a doctor back then, so they made their own remedies and doctored themselves. people like to keep things going and cant let go of the past.
Reply:I am from WV and trust me I am not inbred, missing teeth or never witnessed animals being violated. We were poor by the people from WV and the friendliest, most God fearing people I have ever met.


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