Sunday, March 14, 2010

Can I sand my teeth down with sandpaper myself?

is there a different way to treat buck teeth myself?

Can I sand my teeth down with sandpaper myself?

You need to understand the anatomy of teeth. If you file below the enamal layer, you risk disease and infection and abscess formation. The only abrasive you should ever use is toothpaste and a toothbrush.

YA is not a good place to get this kind of advice. I suggest you take this question to a local dental office. If there is a financial problem, they may be able to refer you to a public health office that specializes in dental care. They may even be able to give you an estimate of what it would take to do what you want but do not do it yourself. The injury that could result may be far worse than buck teeth.
Reply:OMG, lol. NO
Reply:i suppose you could, in the sense that you are capable.. would it be a good idea? or work the way you want it to?

no.. not at all..
Reply:get braces, sand paper sounds like a terrible plan.
Reply:Oh, just the thought of that hurts...
Reply:Are you serious?
Reply:If this is a serious question about your teeth and money for dental work is an issue, I suggest going to the nearest university dental school. The clinics there may be able to evaluate your problem and even offer low or no cost solutions based on your needs.

On a light note, I once had a chipped tooth with a rough edge that was driving me crazy and making my tongue bleed. i took a nail file and gently filed down the rough edge until it was smooth enough. I also immediately made an appointment with my Dentist.
Reply:Let us know how that goes.
Reply:sure you could but you might want to stop before you get to the nerves...ask the dentist if he can make change for a buck???

mens health

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