Sunday, March 14, 2010

Can you get your front teeth filed down?

I have decent teeth, straight and everything, but lately I've noticed that my front teeth are a bit big.. They aren't buck teeth, they are in line and don't point out, but they are too big for my liking.

Can your dentist file them down or something to make them smaller? I know it's bad to damage the enamel of your teeth, but i was thiking perhaps they could file them then.. put a crown or something over the top...

Has anyone had anything similar done?

Can you get your front teeth filed down?
Yes! I had my front teeth filed to improve their shape. They kind of overlapped the teeth next to them, protruded slightly and they were a little long. I never knew this could be done, I thought I would just have to live with it or get caps. I was so surprised and pleased by the results. I just voiced my concerns to my dentist and he said "no problem".
Reply:yes you can have your front teeth filed down.

call your dentist
Reply:yes you can...a dentist has a tool that is called an enamelplasty that is specifically used for this purpose.


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