Friday, October 23, 2009

What's going to happen to me when I die? Will I go to heaven?

I eat all my vegetables

I believe in God but I don't go to church

I shower every day

Brush my teeth 3 times a day

I give the homeless change for booze whenever I can

I rarely watch rated R movies

I always do it with a condom on

My credit score is 735

I always give old people the right of way when I'm driving

I recycle

I've never been arrested

I don't watch Family Guy

I listen to Led Zeppelin

I've never bounced a check

I got 2 speeding tickets over 6 years ago

I've been involved in 6 car accidents, none being my fault

I use profanity only for comical relief

I chew with my mouth closed

I don't eat anything over 4 inches long

I graduated high school with a 3.4 GPA

I always try to let the woman finish first

I play 5 bucks a week on the lottery

I always pay my bills on time

I've never bought anything from Hot Topic

My favorite show is The Office

thank you

What's going to happen to me when I die? Will I go to heaven?
You're way too into yourself for God. He would never let you into heaven.

Up there it's all about him.
Reply:You'll be cremated, or dropped in a hole in the ground, or shoved into a mausoleum.

Heaven is for the living
Reply:If you beleve in Christ yes
Reply:Sorry, you left out the one thing to get you there, I took Jesus as my savior. Thats the only way you get a ticket.
Reply:And all you really needed to do was look just below your rear view mirror.
Reply:This is all well and good...

but you need Jesus in your life.
Reply:really it matters how you act cuz u can do all those things up there

but you can still be bad

my dad is a preist

and im athiest

so i dnt beleave in tht "god" crap

(no offience)

but idk

so ya

u can still go to hell cuz u didnt save sex for marriage but who does?





Reply:you will die just like millions of others you will be in constant sleep one day when our lord walks the earth once again he will call you and you will wake up and get a second chance and this time you will live forever he knows what to look for when you die, nobody knows if heaven/hell waits for you. has nobody has returned to tell us.
Reply:Let King Solomon answer your question, please, and read Ecclesiastes 9:5,6,11
Reply:Uh, you can go heaven but Jesus doesn't care what you do for goodness. He wants you to have a FAITH in him and you! Faith is one of three Theological Virtues which Seven Virtues consists of a combination of the four Cardinal Virtues and the three Theological Virtues.

You are fine.
Reply:to believe in God dosent mean anything , you must repent to him, accept him, and believe in his word.

just because you believe dont mean you are going to heaven, and good works wont get you there either.

here is a way you can be for certain that you will go to heaven, but only if you are sincer about it.

How to Ask Jesus into Your Life

Choosing to submit your life to God is the most significant decision you can ever make.

This choice involves more than simple intellectual agreement that Jesus is God and that He died on the cross to pay the penalty for your sins.

Becoming a Christian also requires that you commit the rest of your life to God, to do what He asks of you and to live in accordance with His principles. This decision is not something to be taken lightly. It requires sacrifice and a total reorientation of your life around God rather than yourself. As Jesus said:

"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me" (Luke 9:23).

If you feel you are ready to make this commitment, you can do so right now by telling God you are sorry for your past mistakes, putting your trust in Him and asking Him to make you into the person He created you to be. This step involves faith. You probably still have a number of unanswered questions at this point, but you must be willing to make the decision based on what you know right now and trust God to fill in the details later.

The precise words you use to commit yourself to God are not important. He knows the intentions of your heart. Your prayer can be as simple as "Help!" or it can focus on an issue that is specific to your situation. If you are unsure of what to pray, use the following sample prayers to get started:

Jesus, I want to know You. I want You to come into my life. I'm sorry for the things I've done that have broken my relationship with God. Thank You for dying on the cross so that this relationship could be made right. I believe You are the only One who can do this. Only You can give me the power to change and become the person You created me to be. Thank You for forgiving my past mistakes and for giving me eternal life with God. I give my life to You. Please do with it as You wish. Amen.


Lord Jesus, I want to know You personally. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of the throne of my life. Make me the kind of person You want me to be.

By praying one of the above prayers or one similar to it, you have just taken a giant step toward making God the centre of your life. But these are just the words. What follows is a lifelong journey of change and growth as you get to know God better through Bible reading, prayer and interaction with other Christians.

If you prayed the prayer above and invited Jesus into your life, you've become a Christian - which means simply, "Christ in one."
Reply:I believe in God but I don't go to church

Are you Catholic? If so you're obligated to go every Sunday.

I always do it with a condom on

Artificial birth control is a sin.

I use profanity only for comical relief

Not good. Do you use the Lord's name?

I always try to let the woman finish first

Reply:i guess you are just going to have to wait until the day of judgement to find out. Have some faith.
Reply:alright your are a really good guy i will adamant that but good people don't go to heaven.there is allot of good people in hell right now. see the res on we are spouse to go ta hell is because of sin we all have sin. you might say you don't think you do well here take this as a example say you say something you parents cook is good but really you think it taste like but see you sin there you are now a liar say you are walking down the street you see a five dollar bill you pick it up and put it in you pocket now you are a thieve it wasn't yours to Begin with. if you have a bible look up Romans 3;23 [kjv] it says for all have sin and come short of the glory of God.

also in Romans 6;23 it says for The wages of sin is death but th gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.when it say death its talking about hell and when it talks about eternal life its talking about see you are already going to hell. but there is a way to heaven in john 3;16 it says that God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. see again when it talks about perish it talking about hell and when it talk about everlasting life it talking about heaven. if you want more info email me but this is what i will tell you there a prayer call the sinners prayer you pray to God ad-mint you are sinner you want him to fore give you and come into your life and you want to live for him you will be saved then you will be going to heaven. i will tell you a quick story this is a true story a pastor i know was having church and there was a woman after church she told him she was not saved he ask if she would like to pray and receive Jesus in her heart she said know they try to tell here she would go to hell she said she knew but she didn't want to she left she got three miles down the road and a car hit here dead on she died without Jesus in here heart so she in hell Right now remember this were not promised tomorrow so think about.
Reply:the question is, Do you know, and have a relationship with God?

"I never knew you: Depart from me." this is what God will say to the ones that did not follow...
Reply:You have to except Christ as your personal Lord and Savior to be truely saved. No man shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven without Christ. Trust me my need him in your life. I can't stress enough to people how important it is that you get saved. There is a HELL and thereis a HEAVEN. Good men will not enter into heaven. Saved men will go to heaven. Going to church isn't good enough. You have to believe it in your heart for it to be true. Please take my advise and read about in the Bible (KJV). God bless!

city opera

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